Poetry 0.6.3 is out

Published on March 20, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed built wheels not getting information from the virtualenv. Fixed building wheel with conditional extensions. Fixed missing files in built wheel with extensions. Fixed call to venv binaries on windows. Fixed subdependencies representation in lock file.

Poetry 0.6.2 is out

Published on March 19, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Changes Changed how wildcard constraints are handled. Fixes Fixed errors with pip 9.0.2.

Poetry 0.6.1 is out

Published on March 18, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
Bugfix release. Fixes Fixed wheel entry points being written on a single line. Fixed wheel metadata (Tag and Root-Is-Purelib).

Poetry 0.6.0 is out

Published on March 16, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
This version brings some improvements and a bunch of bugfixes. New Features Virtualenv autogeneration Now, whenever you install packages, Poetry, if not already inside a virtualenv, will create a virtualenv automatically, or use a previously create one, to always work isolated from the rest of your system. Since Poetry is 3.6+ only, it will create virtualenvs using the standard library `venv` module. So, if you want to work with a previous Python version in your project, you will need to create your own virtualenvs using, for instance, pew.

Poetry 0.5.0 is out

Published on March 14, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.X
This version brings some improvements and a bunch of bugfixes. Changes Hashes check when installing Whenever you install packages with poetry, they will be verified against the hashes present in the pyproject.lock file to increase security. Fixes Fixed handling of post releases. Fixed python restricted dependencies not being checked against virtualenv version. Fixed python/platform constraint not being picked up for subdependencies. Fixed skipped packages appearing as installing. Fixed platform specification not being used when resolving dependencies.