Poetry 0.6.0 is out

Published on March 16, 2018 in Releases with tags 0.x

This version brings some improvements and a bunch of bugfixes.

New Features #

Virtualenv autogeneration #

Now, whenever you install packages, Poetry, if not already inside a virtualenv, will create a virtualenv automatically, or use a previously create one, to always work isolated from the rest of your system.

New run command #

Related to the new virtualenv autogeneration, the run command executes the given command inside the project’s virtualenv.

Markdown file support #

Poetry now support using Markdown files as README files.

pyproject.toml file validation #

The pyproject.toml file’s structure will now be automatically validated.

New debug:resolve command #

The debug:resolve command is the first of debug command which will help debugging issues found in Poetry. This one in particular has been added to have more insight when errors are encountered while resolving dependencies

Fixes #