Announcing Poetry 2.1.0

Published on February 15, 2025 in Releases with tags 2.x 2.1

The Poetry team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Poetry 2.1.0.

If you have a previous version of Poetry installed via pipx, getting Poetry 2.1.0 is as easy as:

$ pipx upgrade poetry

If you used the official installer, you can run:

$ poetry self update

Highlights #

Support for alternative build backends in Poetry #

Poetry now supports customizable build backends, allowing greater flexibility based on your project’s needs. Previously, Poetry exclusively used its own build backend, poetry-core, when creating packages via the poetry build command. Thanks to PEP 621, this limitation is being lifted.

With this change, the poetry build command will fully respect the [build-system] section defined in your pyproject.toml file. If the specified build backend differs from the version of poetry-core bundled with Poetry, the build will take place in an isolated environment.

Defining custom build backends #

You can define the build backend in your pyproject.toml. For example, to use maturin as your build system, specify it like this:

requires = ["maturin>=0.8.1,<0.9"]
build-backend = "maturin"

When running poetry build, Poetry will create an isolated environment with the specified requirements.

Passing configuration to build systems #

If your chosen build system supports custom configuration settings, these can be passed via the new --config-settings parameter. Use the format --config-settings <key>=<value>. You can pass multiple settings by using the parameter repeatedly.

For example, poetry-core allows you to specify a local version identifier during the build:

poetry build --config-settings local-version=some-local

This parameter ensures compatibility with advanced use cases and third-party build backends.

You can pass configuration settings when building a dependency from source. Since such configuration settings are often platform-dependent this is done via a config setting.

Default behavior when no build system is defined #

Per PEP 517, a build tool should fall back to setuptools if no build system is defined in the [build-system] section of pyproject.toml. However, to avoid immediate disruption, Poetry will currently issue a warning in such cases and continue using the built-in poetry-core backend by default.

This behavior will change in a future minor release so that Poetry will default to setuptools if no [build-system] section is defined.

Experimental commands to manage Python installations #

Poetry now includes experimental commands to manage Python installations. You can install, list and remove Python versions, which you can use afterward to create project environments. For example, if you want to use Python 3.13 for your project, but you do not have it installed yet, you can run:

poetry python install 3.13
poetry env use 3.13
The python install command uses python-build-standalone, which has some quirks compared to standard Python installations. See their documentation for more information.

Upcoming Changes #

Defaulting to setuptools instead of poetry-core if no build system is defined #

Per PEP 517, a build tool should fall back to setuptools if no build system is defined in the [build-system] section of pyproject.toml. However, to avoid immediate disruption, Poetry will currently issue a warning in such cases and continue using the built-in poetry-core backend by default. This behavior will change in a future minor release so that Poetry will default to setuptools if no [build-system] section is defined.

Changelog #

Added #

Changed #

Fixed #

Docs #

poetry-core (2.1.0) #