Announcing Poetry 1.0.0

Published on December 12, 2019 in Releases with tags 1.x

The Poetry team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Poetry 1.0.0.

Thanks to the community and everyone involved in making this release possible, and especially @stephsamson, @brycedrennan and @finswimmer who helped tremendously getting to this significant milestone.

I would also like to personally thank my employer, PeopleDoc, for giving me time to work on Poetry.

This release is a stepping stone for the project, bringing a lot of new features and changes that will make managing Python projects even easier.

This version is not backwards-compatible with the previous releases so special care must be taken when upgrading.

You can read the change log for the full list of changes.

A new way to manage Python environments #

The default behavior has not changed and Poetry will try to use the currently used Python version to create the virtual environment associated with the project.

However, if it’s not compatible with the currently specified python requirement of the pyproject.toml file, Poetry will try to find one that is.

Moreover, you can now have more control and easily switch between Python versions for a project by using the env use command.

poetry env use /full/path/to/python

If you have the python executable in your PATH you can use it:

poetry env use python3.7

You can even just use the minor Python version in this case:

poetry env use 3.7

If you want to disable the explicitly activated virtualenv, you can use the special system Python version to retrieve the default behavior:

poetry env use system

If you want to get basic information about the currently activated virtualenv, you can use the env info command:

poetry env info

will output something similar to this:

Python:         3.7.1
Implementation: CPython
Path:           /path/to/poetry/cache/virtualenvs/test-O3eWbxRl-py3.7
Valid:          True

Platform: darwin
OS:       posix
Python:   /path/to/main/python

If you only want to know the path to the virtualenv, you can pass the --path option to env info:

poetry env info --path

You can also list all the virtualenvs associated with the current virtualenv with the env list command:

poetry env list

will output something like the following:

test-O3eWbxRl-py3.7 (Activated)

Finally, you can delete existing virtualenvs by using env remove:

poetry env remove /full/path/to/python
poetry env remove python3.7
poetry env remove 3.7
poetry env remove test-O3eWbxRl-py3.7

If you remove the currently activated virtualenv, it will be automatically deactivated.

Improved support for private indices #

While Poetry already supported private indices, it was not possible to control them in a more fine-grained manner. To make using private indices even easier and powerful, it’s now possible to declare a specific source for a dependency.

# ...
pendulum = {version = "^2.0.5", source = "my-index"}

name = "my-index"
url = ""

To accompany this new feature, you can now declare an index as secondary, meaning it will only being used last and PyPI will always be preferred.

name = "my-index"
url = ""
secondary = true

It’s now also possible to disable PyPI completely by declaring a private index as the default one:

name = "my-index"
url = ""
default = true

Improved configuration management #

Using environment variables #

Sometimes, in particular when using Poetry with CI tools, it’s easier to use environment variables and not have to execute configuration commands.

Poetry now supports this and any setting can be set by using environment variables.

The environment variables must be prefixed by POETRY_ and are comprised of the uppercase name of the setting and with dots and dashes replaced by underscore, here is an example:

export POETRY_VIRTUALENVS_PATH=/path/to/virtualenvs/directory

This also works for secret settings, like credentials:


Local configuration #

Poetry now provides the ability to have settings that are specific to a project by passing the --local option to the config command.

poetry config virtualenvs.create false --local

This will create a poetry.toml file that holds the local configuration settings.

The settings. prefix is no longer necessary #

The settings are now stored differently and no longer needs to be prefixed by settings.. If you have already configured settings you will need to configure them again.

Improved add command #

It is now even easier to add dependencies with the add command.

It now supports the following formats:

You can also specify extras in the constraint instead of using --extras:

poetry add "requests[security]"

As a consequence, the --git and --path options were removed.

If you need to upgrade an already present dependency to the latest version you can use the special latest constraint to do so:

poetry add requests@latest

It will also select the latest prerelease if the package only has prereleases.

Improved publishing #

Support for PyPI API tokens #

When publishing to PyPI, you can use the new API tokens instead of the username/password combination.

To configure a token, you can use the config command:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi my-token

Support for custom certificates and mutual TLS authentication #

Poetry now supports repositories that are secured by a custom certificate authority as well as those that require certificate-based client authentication.

The following will configure the “foo” repository to validate the repository’s certificate using a custom certificate authority and use a client certificate (note that these config variables do not both need to be set):

poetry config /path/to/ca.pem
poetry config /path/to/client.pem

Support for arbitrary markers for conditionnal dependencies #

If you need more complex install conditions for your dependencies than just the Python version, Poetry now supports environment markers via the markers property:

pathlib2 = { version = "^2.2", markers = "python_version ~= '2.7' or sys_platform == 'win32'" }

What’s next? #

Even though we reached a significant milestone for the project, there is still a lot of work to do to further improve the way Python projects are managed by providing a unified workflow.

The next steps will be to make Poetry extensible via a plugin system to help create an ecosystem around it and add optional features (the work is already in progress), to improve its packaging capabilities, and to further improve the dependency resolution algorithm at its heart.